Real-Life Situation - maestro*MOBILE - Production by Bid Item

The production by bid item is one of the three methods of managing the progress of the work, with the production and percentage of progress. It is possible to use maestro*MOBILE to note the progress of the bids.

Below you will find all the information needed to fully utilize the production by bid features of maestro* and maestro*MOBILE.



Project Management


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Project > Project Management


You must first have a project. Be sure, however, to specify this information as minimal as possible:

  • Project Desc. tab:
    • Customer;
    • Type of Projection (Parameters sub-tab);
    • Entry level of progress % (Parameters sub-tab);
  • Activities and Budgets tab:
    • Structure of product activities, phases, sections and divisions if necessary;
    • For each activity, indicate which groups will be available in maestro*MOBILE (Labour, Equipment and Material).

It can be effective to use a project template: the activity structure and availability in maestro*MOBILE can already be configured.

See the Project Management section online for more help.


Dispatch Project Management


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Dispatch Project Management


For the project to be linked to mobility, it is essential that a dispatch project must be created.

The dispatch project links a foreman to the construction project. If there are several teams to manage, the construction project will require several distribution projects.

Refer to the Dispatch Project Management section of the online help.


Progress Billing Contracts


maestro* > Invoicing > Contractual Billing > Progress > Progress Billing Contracts


The billing schedule is one of the three types of contractual billing that exists in maestro*; the two others are basic contractual billing and cost-plus invoicing.

We must have a contract bid item to perform the progress billing.

The Prepare Progress Billing option will then bill the project according to the progress of certain milestones, in terms of quantity or rate, of milestones defined in the contract.


For a user to enter the quantity of a bid item in maestro*MOBILE, the Available in *MOBILE box must be checked in the Progress Billing Contracts option.

Refer to the Progress Billing Contracts section of the online help.





In maestro*MOBILE

Select the project

  1. In maestro*MOBILE, open interface Projects.
  2. Select the project in the lists of active projects.
    The project sheet is displayed with its daily entries, if applicable.


Add a daily entry

  1. On the Project Details page, press + Add Daily Entry.
  2. On the Add a Daily Entry page, enter the start time, and end time.

Only one daily entry can be added per day and per project.

  1. Click on Save.


Note the bid item

  1. On the Daily Entry page, click on Production by Bid Item.
  2. For every item, note the quantity produced.

It is not possible to note a progression on rates; maestro * MOBILE only allows to note a production by quantity.

  1. If necessary, enter a comment.
  2. Click on Save.

If necessary, complete the rest of the daily entry.


Enter the time

  1. On the Daily Entry page, click on Enter Time.
  2. Select an employee.
  3. Indicate at least a start time, an activity and working time.
  4. Click on Save.


Close the day

  1. Still on the Daily Entry page, click on Hour Summary.
  2. Select the affected employees and click on Quit.
  3. Click on Close the Day.

Step 2 above is required only if the Required person in charge to indicate that employees have left the worksite before closing the day is checked (configured in Dispatch Model Management, Mobile tab, and Project sub-tab option).


In maestro*

Transfer daily entry


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Daily Entry > Daily Entry


  1. In the Daily Entry option, select in the Summary of non-transferred transactions (top of the window) the previously created time entry.
  2. In the Identification section, of the Status field, select the Completed value.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. Still in the Status field, select the Accepted value.
  5. Click Save again.
  6. Select daily entry Accepted and click on the Transfer icon.
    The Daily Entry Transfer window is displayed.
  7. Carefully mark the checkbox in the Production by Bid Item column and click the Transfer icon again.
    The transaction transfer report is displayed. You can close the report and close the Daily Entry option.


Perform progress billing


maestro* > Invoicing > Contractual Billing > Progress > Prepare Progress Billing


  1. In the Prepare Progress Billing option, indicate the contract numero by the bid. The bids appear in the grid at the bottom of the window.
  2. Click on the Apply the cumulative production icon and answer Yes to the confirmation request displayed.
  3. Click on the Transfer icon.


see also


Last modification: September 19, 2024